30 Day Hassle Free Returns!
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Order Tracking and Status

Tracking information for orders will be uploaded the same day that the order ships, according to our shipping policy. Note that orders can ship up to a few hours before tracking information is uploaded.

How you will be notified

Once tracking information has been uploaded for your order, you will receive an automated email with a tracking link directly to the courier's website. Please save this email for your records and reach out to us at support@extramiletools.com if there's an issue.

Where else to find your tracking information

You can also log into your account to view your tracking information:

  • Log in to the Account Page.
  • Navigate to Orders and find the order.
  • Your tracking information, if uploaded, will display on the order information page.

If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding your order's tracking information, our team is here to assist you. Use our contact page or email support@extramiletools.com for assistance.
